Parent Testimonials
A year ago, my (then 6 year old) daughter started struggling with anxiety, depression, and low self esteem. Worried, we sought help from a variety of professionals in the area, many of whom were helpful. The greatest resource and gift to us, however, was Erika and her energy awareness tools. When I brought my daughter to a class the first time, she was so anxious and afraid that she refused to participate and clung to me the entire time. Soon after, Erika started meeting with her privately. For the past year, Erika has provided an amazing outlet for my daughter. She has given her love, affection, and a deep understanding of her self and her feelings as well as a variety of tools to cope with difficult emotions. I know that these tools will continue to provide a solid foundation of inner strength well into adulthood. A year later, my daughter is now begging to attend a class with other kids – a huge change from last year. We are so grateful for all that Erika has done for our family, and how her insight has helped us to better connect with and understand our child.
~ Carly Thomson
My husband saw an article about Erika and her Energy Awareness & Yoga For Kids and said “I think this would be great for our 6 year old son”. We weren’t sure if he would like it or not, but he LOVED it and by his request he signed up for 2 succeeding sessions. Not only is Erika wonderful with kids, she teaches wonderful tools to the children in fun-loving ways and with kid-friendly language. It is a great outlet and a special gift for all kids, but we noticed that boys in particular really benefit from her teachings. They learn great tools for harvesting their energy and different tools to handle situations when they are feeling frustrated, angry or scared. When we least expected it, our son would blurt out, “I used my grounding cord today” and explain what happened that led him to use this tool. He was also terrified of performing in a school play, but we focused on various tools and he did the play perfectly, afterward saying that he wasn’t even scared. These are great life tools and it is wonderful to have a class where children can learn to use them at a young age, building a strong foundation of peaceful techniques that will benefit them throughout life.
~ Catherine
Your yoga class has been the most wonderful thing we have done to help our 11 year old with “life issues”. She uses all of the tools that she has learned to help her in many areas of her little life. She recognizes her feelings better than ever and will often announce that she is going to find a place to be alone so that she can use her “grounding cord”. She never wants to miss a class and loves to practice her yoga poses at home. It is also super cool and funny when she suggests that one of her family members uses the tools she has learned in yoga when one of us is having a stressful moment! Thanks so much for sharing your love and expertise with us!
~ Annette Zuccolillo
Intense. Sensitive. Persistent. Strong willed. Both of my children seem to have taken a page from the book Raising Your Spirited Child. One struggles with anxiety, the other with frustration and anger issues in part due to living with an underlying health condition that takes up much of her daily life. I was thrilled to find Erika’s Energy Awareness & Yoga for Kids classes through a mutual friend. Both kids really respond to the fun, non-threatening environment and have definitely taken away skills that help them to manage their feelings/energy in the real world. Taking the class together has helped them support each other as well. One day while driving in the car my son, age 7, was going berserk about something (now inconsequential) and about to get in trouble. His sister, age 5, was doing her best to help him stay out of trouble/reign it in. Using a technique Erika taught in one of her classes about observing the world “from behind your eyes” or pulling back to get some objectivity in an emotional setting, she was shouting at him, “Get your eyes behind your head! Get your eyes behind your head!” So, she’s still a little concrete/literal, but it was SO great to see them working together to manage their feelings in a constructive way. Hopefully this will be a skill that will carry them forward together as they navigate the various challenges that life–and being “spirited”– throws at them.
~ Jen Heinicke, MD
My daughter (age 8) LOVES this class. This is from a child who does not generally like classes, or structure of any kind. I have seen her use the tools she learns from Erika in her everyday life to help herself with transitions and upset and even to just calm down after a long day . I love that she has a place to go where she can explore emotions and how to manage them in a playful, supportive, non-competitive environment. As a parent, I find this class to be invaluable. It’s giving her skills that she will be able to use for her entire life; so great to learn them at this early age.
~ Ann
This class has helped my 7 yr old daughter learn to focus her energy and ground herself. Her teachers have noticed this too! When we weren’t enrolled in this class for 1 session, she struggled with behavorial issues at school. When we signed her back up, she was reminded of the tools she needed to use again. This class is as important to my child’s success as daily reading is!
~ Kalisha Crossland
This morning my 8 yr old boy was very grouchy getting ready for school. As we were driving there,we talked about trying to be pleasant even when we are tired and how said it would be to be grouchy the entire school year. He laughed and THEN started meditating! He told me that it allowed the bad energy to leave his body and the good energy to come in! Thanyou so much!
~ Anonymous
As my 5.5 year old was approaching a rather independent time in his life, I was SO thrilled to learn of Erika’s class! Although my son was a bit younger than the other children, Erika was open to letting him tryit out as he has watched and “done yoga” with me his whole life. Immediately we were was impacted by the tools he was learning! Not only was he enjoying the yoga (as do I when we practice together!), but internally he was gaining so much more and then turning around and teaching us too!! I have also witnessed him teaching his friends and most importantly using his energy tools in his school environment, with his out of school play friends and with his family!! On several occasions without being prompted my son has floored me with verbalizing the tools he is using and teaching us at the same time. Now on his third session, never is a class met with lack-luster! I have also witnessed a transformation in the way my son approaches difficult life situations and all around interactions with the world he plays in. The gentle – yet fun! – guidance Erika provides is something that can truly change the way children approach conflict resolution, play, and overall life situations. Kudos and cheers to Erika for bringing such a great resource to our kiddos! Thanks Erika!
~ Rachel
Child Testimonials
Names of Children have been changed
I love Miss Erika’s class. It teaches me a lot of things. I did not know that sometimes its good to be angry.
~ Peggy, Age 7
I like this class because it helps me calm down when I’ve had a bad day, or even when I’m feeling good. The meditation is my favorite, it makes me feel good!
~ Samantha, Age 8
This class helps me calm down inside and be nice. My favorite is the pose where we fill ourselves up with our energy.
~ Samual, Age 6
Miss Erika makes class fun. Sometimes yoga can be really boring so it matters who the teacher is. And Miss Erika makes it fun! I have learned about using my tools. I have class on Wednesday and that is so nice because after learning new [energy] tools on Wednesday I go to my co-op on Thursday where I need to use some of my tools. I also like the class because we get to use our own imagination. And that’s why I love Miss Erika’s class!
~ Rachel, Age 7
This class helps me not feel so hyper in school and I feel more calm in my body. The meditation is also my favorite.
~ Monica, Age 7
I like this class because it helps me calm down when I’ve had a bad day, or even when I’m feeling good. The meditation is my favorite, it makes me feel good!
~ Samantha, Age 8